Egyptian Aura Healing For Manifestation
Align with the vibration to manifest what you desire.
About the Egyptian Aura Healing
The seven layers of the Aura hold information about your life as a human being, from your emotions, thoughts, beliefs. The quality and strength of our auric fields are always shifting in vibration due to changes in our thought patterns. When you are low in energy and feeling down, your aura naturally shrinks to reflect this; as you raise our vibration and your energy expands, as does your aura.
You are always creating through your energy field, and the quality and effectiveness of your ability to manifest is always related to how clear your Auric field is.
This session is comprised of a series of rituals working with sacred geometry and invoking the energy of the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, designed to work through each of the seven layers to heal, purify and realign your auric field to focus on your manifestation goals.
The healing will work over the course of the month after the healing is complete. You will find forward momentum where life will start to align with this goal you’ve intended, and negativity blocking you from the goal will drop out of your life.
Time: 90 Minutes (30 min consultation + one hour session)
One time: $250
Monthly Membership: $225 per month (3 month min. commitment)
Prerequisite: Life Activation

If you work with the moon cycle for manifestation and healing, adding this practice to your monthly cadence is a game changer! This session will work with you over the cycle of the moon, to provide extra support and healing for the intention you placed.
As with all of my sessions, the rituals in this process have been practiced and unchanged for over 3000 years.
Handed down through the ancient mystery school tradition of sharing of knowledge from teacher to student, affirmed by the holy process of initiation. With the foundation of this lineage tradition, this session is time-tested to work with the highest quality and purity of energy.